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Tag: experiential learning reflection

  1. How Could Experiential Learning Shape the Future of Leadership Development?

    How Could Experiential Learning Shape the Future of Leadership Development? Here at RSVP Design, we're always keen to read and discuss any survey that comes from our colleagues at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL). The latest focus of our attention is 'The Top 20 Leadership Challenges'  published in July 2024.   RSVP Design learning tools are designed to be versatile, and many of our customers worldwide ... Read more...
  2. The unique power of experiential learning - have you truly discovered your employee's potential?

    The unique power of experiential learning - have you truly discovered your employee's potential?       We’re often asked about the benefits of including a strong experiential activity component in a programme of learning, to the extent that I have an answer that will usually sell the idea, even to the most sceptical:“Why choose to focus 100% of your available learning time on what you, and the participants, probably know ... Read more...
  3. The Importance of Reflection in the Experiential Learning Process: 8 Ideas to Consider

    If you ask non-specialists about their understanding of experiential learning, many will reply that it is learning by doing. Whilst there is an element of truth in this, it does not go far enough. We only learn from experience if we take time to reflect upon the things that happen to us; thoughtfully considering not only the experience itself, but... Read more...

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