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Join us in London on 6th Feb for the Build Better Learning Programmes Workshop! Secure your spot now: Book Here



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We have developed cost-effective, engaging & proven internationally recognised experiential learning tools that add value to your client programmes, expand your repertoire and enhance your reputation

Enhance your client’s development programmes

We know that, in a competitive market, consultants and independent trainers need to be able to respond positively to the varied requests and needs of their clients.
More and more clients recognise the value of experiential and accelerated learning and ask for it.
Successful trainers need access to high quality, proven, reliable and cost-effective resources.

RSVP Design specialists have done the creation and testing for you and offer you a comprehensive range of consulting tools and resources. Should you or your client have a unique or complex need that is not addressed within our existing product range, we offer you our learning design expertise to develop a tailored solution. Take a look at the extensive client list who use our experiential learning activities within their training programmes.


We understand that your reputation depends upon the quality of every piece of work you do for clients. We have the expertise to help you to choose and use the right product, in the right way, to achieve your client’s objectives.

We offer a high level of support ranging from:

  • Helping you to choose the right experiential activity to meet your objectives
  • Advising on how to set up, run and review the activity
  • Suggesting alternatives or variations to the activity as appropriate
  • Running familiarisation and trainer training workshops to build your own confidence and competence in facilitating experiential learning activities