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Are you developing teams beyond a culture of blame?
Even a cursory browse through the huge volume of literature about great teams will reveal that there's an understandable interest in how they just seem to 'get it right'. There often follows a prescription to help other teams follow that path to success. We read about aligning individual contribution, solution-focused communication, building a team... Read more...
Do you focus on what you’ve learned, rather than what you’ve achieved?
I was challenged by a friend recently; she was making the point that we routinely ask clients to represent the complexities of situation or organisation in a way that reduces them to banal simplicity. What she asked me to do was to capture my life as it is today in a single representational diagram. I made several starts, only to abandon an attempt... Read more...
DON'T invest in learning (invest in behaviour-change instead)
I know I've written about this before, but it's important and it keeps coming up in conversations I have with L+D people so I feel it would be timely to ask a few questions about how learning in organisations is understood. As you'll know I'm a specialist in experiential approaches to learning, so I'm going to look at the subject from that ... Read more...
Training Awards and the Importance of Engagement
Being recognised within the Learning and Development industry to the extent that we are made recipients of specific awards always fills me with curiosity. Why us? Why now? Why this particular award? Don't get me wrong, it's a curiosity that stems from great pride in what we do, but simply accepting any award without asking questions risks ... Read more...
How Could Experiential Learning Shape the Future of Leadership Development?
Here at RSVP Design, we're always keen to read and discuss any survey that comes from our colleagues at the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL). The latest focus of our attention is 'The Top 20 Leadership Challenges' published in July 2024. RSVP Design learning tools are designed to be versatile, and many of our customers worldwide ... Read more...
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