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Activities to Support Development of Resilience Skills

Building resilience skills is also an important area of learning - skills in resilience can be developed to improve an individual's capacity to manage stress, or to develop strategies to cope with difficult challenges and projects.

Here at RSVP Design, the word ‘Resilience’ has two areas of meaning, but in neither case is it considered to be a finite and fixed capacity that an individual possesses, nor is it a fixed and inflexible personal response to situations.

Resilience skills are commonly seen by coaches, trainers and organisational development specialists, as a range of skills, behaviours and attitudes that are beneficial in the development of personal mental toughness and the ability to deal with (and bounce forward from) challenges, pressures and stress in both personal and professional environments.

Another focus of Resilience is the ability to overcome adversity and obstacles, particularly in relation to learning. As shown in research from the University of Bristol into factors that ‘great learners’ share, where ‘resilience’ was a label given to 7x dimensions of 'Learning Power'.

Both of these nuances of Resilience skills overlap, particularly as we look at developing strong learners in an educational and employment context. RSVP Design’s response is to develop and provide games, activities & tools that can be used to help build these normative, self-righting tendencies of individuals, as well as providing detailed support on how to use them.

Our range of experiential learning activities and tools can help members of your organisation develop resilience skills in a wide range of different scenarios. By creating opportunities to practise resilience skills in stressful circumstances in a risk-free environment, these learning activities can help develop an individual’s mental resilience, improve their ability to stay calm in stressful scenarios, build wellbeing and emotional control, and encourage a steady, problem solving approach to tense and complex situations.

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