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Author: Graham Cook

  1. ATD23 San Diego Conference and Expo Summary

    ATD23 San Diego Conference and Expo Summary Click the link below to see a comprehensive brochure of the event’s highlights from ATD. Everything from a breakdown of who attended to the keynote speakers’ essential messaging. View the ATD23 San Diego Summary  ... Read more...
  2. ATD 23 Conference & Expo in San Diego (May 21-24)

    ATD 23 Conference & Expo in San Diego (May 21-24) We are delighted to be back attending live Conferences and particularly excited to be returning to Live Exhibitions and having the chance to meet people at ATD in San Diego in May! If you plan to visit the ATD 23 San Diego Expo between May 22nd and 24th, come visit us on Stand 1439! We’ve attended many ATD events over the last 20 years and ... Read more...
  3. Can Executives Improve Listening Skills by Switching off Video Cameras and Playing Games?

    A couple of pieces of research this week have made me think. The first was from McKinsey - The Executive Guide to Better Listening - The premise is: Strong listening skills can make a critical difference in the performance of senior executives, but few ... Read more...
  4. Living with this 'Normal' Provides a Positive Creative Environment

    Living with this 'Normal' Provides a Positive Creative Environment I think of myself as a ‘Creative’ - somebody who makes a living from creating new things that have value to my company. There are millions of Creatives out there, you almost certainly know somebody in some field who fits into this category; so it always surprises me when people misunderstand the creative process so badly. One of the most ... Read more...
  5. Gamification, Experiential Learning and the Challenge of Virtual Learning

    Gamification, Experiential Learning and the Challenge of Virtual Learning Education has always been a fertile space for the creation of new terminology and models. Applied in the right spaces these concepts and semantics help us to more-accurately define what we do, but applied more casually they obscure real and important differences in approach. The pandemic has driven a great deal of learning on-line, and created the ... Read more...
  6. Developing Curiosity and Agility at arms-length?

    Developing Curiosity and Agility at arms-length? Last week my colleague Graham Cook, MD of RSVP Design, passed me a report to read, suggesting that it was highly relevant to how we support our customers in developing new business strategies for a very different world. The survey was compiled by Survey Monkey and, as you would expect, makes much use of data gathered from US companies. 2 key ... Read more...
  7. Challenges and Successes in On-line Experiential Learning

    Nobody working in the learning and development field can have avoided the need for some radical rethinking over the past seven or eight months. The initial rules banning most face to face contact have been replaced by more nuanced restrictions, but not before a massive migration, and corresponding up-skilling, to on-line and virtual ways of working... Read more...
  8. Design notes for a new reality?

    Like many other organisations, here at RSVP Design we’re wrestling with the raft of new challenges that getting back to work has presented. Everything looks and feels different, both internally, in our immediate surroundings, and outside in our global marketplace: we’re determined, and optimistic, that we will soon be fully operational again, ... Read more...
  9. Use this technique to build positivity and make your team feel more able to take on future challenges

    Spot the Difference in these Two Statements “ These are terrible times, our markets have died and we can’t get the team together to develop any kind of response that’s going to get us back on our feet” “ It’s obvious that we’ve got challenges ahead of us if we’re going to get ourselves back on our feet, but we’ve got the ... Read more...
  10. COVID-19 has created a focus on spaces like Workspaces & Thinking Spaces, but what about Learning Spaces?

    COVID-19 has created a focus on spaces like Workspaces & Thinking Spaces, but what about Learning Spaces? For those of us in parts of the world who have been locked down during the Covid 19 pandemic, the concept of ‘space’ has come into sharper focus. In many ways, our space has shrunk and compressed, being limited to a room, an apartment, or a balcony. Lucky ones had access to a house and a garden. The ‘workplace’ became ‘the workspace’ ... Read more...

Showing 1-10 of 113 results

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