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Tag: learning

  1. How to maximise the impact of workplace learning interventions

    How to maximise the impact of workplace learning interventions I wrote last month about the resurgence of face-to-face learning interventions after such a long hiatus. The conversations we had at the ATD Exhibition in San Diego were immensely heartening as L+D professionals were not only talking enthusiastically about these events but recognising the importance of using them well, and in many cases this ... Read more...
  2. The unique power of experiential learning - have you truly discovered your employee's potential?

    The unique power of experiential learning - have you truly discovered your employee's potential?       We’re often asked about the benefits of including a strong experiential activity component in a programme of learning, to the extent that I have an answer that will usually sell the idea, even to the most sceptical:“Why choose to focus 100% of your available learning time on what you, and the participants, probably know ... Read more...

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