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Tag: team building

  1. The unique power of experiential learning - have you truly discovered your employee's potential?

    The unique power of experiential learning - have you truly discovered your employee's potential?       We’re often asked about the benefits of including a strong experiential activity component in a programme of learning, to the extent that I have an answer that will usually sell the idea, even to the most sceptical:“Why choose to focus 100% of your available learning time on what you, and the participants, probably know ... Read more...
  2. Returning to the training room - the two questions to ask to determine if you're ready

    Returning to the training room - the two questions to ask to determine if you're ready                                 It seems that, after several apparent false-starts, a great number of us are returning to predominantly face-to-face learning events. This is both welcome and long-anticipated- even those most committed to virtual learning... Read more...
  3. Time for Team (re) building? Here's some advice for selecting Icebreakers…

    Time for Team (re) building?  Here's some advice for selecting Icebreakers… Just about every work conversation I have at the moment involves people from the L+D community anticipating a return to face-to-face or hybrid (face to face and on-line) delivery of learning. As I said in last month’s blog I’m counseling an approach which makes no assumptions about how employees and colleagues will be when they return - there... Read more...

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